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Abundant Living Childcare
A study through 1 Corinthians
In this series of messages we dive into the 8 Pastoral Prayers of The Assembly. Like a parent who prays and dreams of what their child will one day become, The Pastoral Prayers are the prayers and dreams we have for our church to live in.
Studies In Th Book Of Joshua
Living Toward The Target
Speakers Cindy McGough and Brooke Taylor
The Book Of Revelation
Join us as we introduce King Solomon as our old, jaded, experienced Grandpa who sits us down over coffee to tell us where meaning in life can and can’t be found.
What are your good, bad and ugly habits? Join us as we learn about the power of habits in our lives.
Join us as we walk the the book of Philemon examining the Apostle Paul’s reference letter for a fugitive from the law.